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APP ecommerce

Specific features, instant navigation, push notifications, IOS and Android compatible.
Create a one to one relationship with customers.

Impress your customers by offering them the best mobile shopping experience!

Because an APP is better than a Responsive site?

Improves engagement

Some research suggests that users who use apps have a greater involvement than they have with a website (2.4 more impressions than average).

Take advantage of the power of native language

It integrates perfectly with native support, they create a unique experience for the user by exploiting geolocation, photos, audio, video.

Improve best user experience

Despite the efforts of a website, the app is still the ideal solution for the mobile experience. Born for the mobile, designed for mobile: there are no better solutions.

Establish a direct relationship with push notifications

The APP allows direct communications in push mode, ie without the user having to notice a specific event: it is the APP itself that notifies messages and communications. To warn that there is something new to verify offers the possibility of establishing a one-to-one relationship with the user and building customer loyalty.

Extends brand visibility on new channels

Increase the visibility of your brand and stand out from the competition by publishing on Apple AppStore and Google PlayStore

Designed for mobile with many specific features

Login and registration

The user can access and register in a perfectly synchronized way with your ecommerce

Instant search

The APP uses all the power and speed of the SniperFast engine, offering a search and instant navigation

Advanced filters

Thanks to advanced search filters you can find the product you are looking for in a few seconds

Order history

The user can consult all the orders created in the app and those created directly in the ecommerce


Offer the possibility of creating a list of desired products, for a future purchase

Feedback e review

Integrates the average of feedback left by users in search results and product data sheets

B2B / B2C Prices

View specific prices for private (B2C), business (B2B) customers or with specific price lists per customer / geolocation group.


View the translated content in the active languages of your ecommerce

Multi currency

Allow to pay using the active currencies in your ecommerce

SmartPhone e Tablet support

The interface adapts to all peripherals, optimized for mobile Smartphone and Tablet

PUSH notifications

Create and manage push notifications and immediately communicate promotions, updates and messages with your customers.


Thanks to advanced statistics, you can precisely control searches and conversions.

Quick and custom configuration

Ready in minutes

Thanks to the dedicated module you can configure the APP quickly by entering your logo and your company data

Choose your design

You can configure the official colors of the APP, customize the home with your banners and much more

Dedicated customizations

You can count on our advice to customize the APP and add features that exactly meet the needs of your project.

Priority assistance

Our technical team guarantees fast assistance for any need. Our partners can count on a dedicated support service to actively support you in all your needs.

Supported platforms

Publish your APP
in official stores

The APP is perfectly compatible with IOS and Android and can be published in the Official Apple App Store and Google Play Store stores

Available version

Activate now
your Prestashop APP!

[ coming soon ]

[ coming soon ]

[ coming soon ]

Functionality PRO Version CUSTOM Version
Login e registration
SniperFast instant search
Advanced search filters
Order history
SmartPhone and Tablet Support
Colors, Home e banners customization
Legal and info Pages
Multi currency
PUSH Notifications
Feedback and reviews
B2B e B2C Prices
Assistance Email, ticket Email, ticket and phone
PWA Publication (Progressive Web APP)
APP Store and Play Store publication Optional Optional
Custom Template Optional
Dedicated customizations Optional
White label Contact us
Some of our SniperFast ecommerce APP
Contact us to learn more

Improve your site. It only takes a few minutes

  • Quick and easy installation

  • No template changes and improved store efficiency

  • External service. No load for your server

  • SEO optimized code

SniperFast by GAN srl
Strada degli Angariari 25
47891 Rovereta
Republic of San Marino

Information: info@sniperfast.com
Administration: info@gansrl.com
+39 0541 148 0222